Gandharvahastadi Kashayam




Product Description

Dosage: 10 to 15 ml for adults and 5 to 10 ml for children or as directed by the Physician.
Usage: Add 3 times of lukewarm water each time to the kashayam and to be taken twice daily before food in empty stomach.

S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Gandharvahasta Ricinus communis 2.315 g
2 Chiruvilva Holoptelea integrifolia 2.315 g
3 Hutasa Plumbago zeylanica 2.315 g
4 Visva Zingiber officinale 2.315 g
5 Pathya Terminalia chebula 2.315 g
6 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa 2.315 g
7 Yavashaka Tragia involucrata 2.315 g
8 Bhumitala Curculigo orchioides 2.315 g


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Gandharvahastadi Kashayam
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