Gorochanadi Gulika




Product Description

Dosage: As directed by the physician
Usage: Tablets may be swallowed as per the dose prescribed. Pills for internal use may be mixed with lukewarm water or any other prescribed drava dravya or as directed by the Physician.



S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Gorochana Ox gall 0.002 g
2 Kankolam Piper cubeba 0.002 g
3 Marjarimada Civet 0.002 g
4 Jahakamada Jund 0.002 g
5 Kunkuma Crocus sativus 0.002 g
6 Sasamkam Cinnamomum camphora 0.002 g
7 Rudraksha Elaecocarpus serratus 0.001 g
8 Pravalam Coral 0.001 g
9 Mauktikam Pearl 0.001 g
10 Yashtyhwa Glycyrrhiza glabra 0.001 g
11 Ela Elettaria cardamomum 0.001 g
12 Tvak Cinnamomum verum 0.001 g
13 Patra Cinnamomum tamala 0.001 g
14 Nagakesara Mesua ferrea 0.001 g
15 Bhunimba Solanum anguivi 0.001 g
16 Kiratakam Swertia chirata 0.001 g
17 Kankushta Excreta of new born elephant 0.001 g
18 Meghasara Cyperus rotundus 0.001 g
19 Hemachurna Gold 0.001 g
20 Talaka Orpiment 0.001 g
21 Agragrahi Anacyclus pyrethrum 0.001 g
22 Gandasringam Rhinoceros unicornis 0.001 g
23 Gunjamulam Abrus precatorius 0.001 g
24 Nirvisha Kyllinga nemoralis 0.001 g
25 Ambaram Mica 0.001 g
26 Hiravi Garcinia morella 0.001 g
27 Himambu Rosa centifolia q. s.
28 Stanya Milk q. s.
29 Jiraka Cuminum cyminum q. s.


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