Karpasasthyadi Kuzhampu




Additional Description

Dosage: As directed by the Physician
Usage: As directed by the Physician


S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Tailam Sesamum indicum 5.714/10.00 ml
2 Erandatailam Ricinus communis 1.429 ml
3 Ghritam Ghee 2.857 ml
4 Karpasasthi Gossypium hirsutum 2.500 g
5 Bala Sida cordifolia 2.500 g
6 Masha Vigna mungo 2.500 g
7 Kulattha Macrotyloma uniflorum 2.500 g
8 Devadaru Cedrus deodara 0.076 g
9 Rasna Alpinia galanga 0.076 g
10 Kushtha Saussurea costus 0.076 g
11 Bala Sida cordifolia 0.076 g
12 Sarshapa Brassica juncea 0.076 g
13 Nagara Zingiber officinale 0.076 g
14 Satahva Anethum graveolens 0.076 g
15 Pippalimula Piper longum (wild var.) 0.076 g
16 Chavya Piper mullusea 0.076 g
17 Sigru Moringa oleifera 0.076 g
18 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa 0.076 g
19 Ajakshira Goat?s milk 10.000 ml


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Karpasasthyadi Kuzhampu
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